Hold everyone



Hold everyone accountable



Combatting unconscious bias isn’t about blame. It’s about accountability. Googlers are helping each other create a safe and respectful culture where everyone feels empowered and responsible to call it out. Slow down. Assume good intent. And understand that unbiasing is a process - the work is never complete - but everyone is responsible.

Use the discussion guide to start a conversation

Considering when and where team interactions might be influenced by unconscious bias can help you identify opportunities for unbiasing. These nine questions are conversation starters to help your team begin to address unconscious bias.

Given that these questions could lead to some heavy discussion, it’s best to have someone lead this session who is knowledgeable about the research and has experience facilitating diversity conversations.

Make it your own

Nine questions for unbiasing teams: 1. Who's who? What are some of the groups we have on our team? 2. Know your bias. When are you most likely to rely on your unconscious biases everyday? 3. How to bust bias. What can you do to actively disrupt your preconceived patterns? 4. Let's commit. As a group what can we commit to doing and hold each other accountable for? 5. Who's in my network? Think about your networks - what's present in your work circles and what isn't? 6. Stories. Does anyone have any stories they can share when they've been affected by unconscious bias? 7. Successes. Does anyone have any success stories they can share when they've helped combat unconscious bias? 8. About our team. Are there words in our team's job descriptions that could be more gender neutral? 9. Thoughts & Learning. What emotions did you experience? What did you learn in the unconscious bias session?

Give your own unbiasing workshop

Given that we’re dealing with something unconscious, most people don’t realize when they’ve made an unconsciously biased comment or action. This means calling it out is an important ingredient to making the unconscious conscious.

Bias Busting @ Work is the follow-on to Unconscious Bias @ Work. The course is aimed at helping employees put awareness into action. Bias Busting @ Work is a scenario-based, interactive workshop where a facilitator hosts peer-to-peer discussions and role-playing around situations of unconscious bias. Participants are taught to identify these scenarios and effectively intervene.

The workshop is inspired and informed by the Ada Initiative and their Ally Skills workshop. We customized the content to make it relevant to Googlers and included scenarios based on real Googler experiences. We encourage you to tailor this content to suit your organization’s needs.

Make it your own

Google's Bias Busting @ Work Slides

Use and adapt this presentation to facilitate your own bias busting workshop.

Google's Bias Busting @ Work Facilitator Guide

Use the facilitator's guide for the bias busting workshop, complete with speaker notes, annotations, and instructions.